TMG Robot Invites Credit Unions to 'Say Hello' to the Future of Payments in New Ad Campaign

(Des Moines, Iowa – February 27, 2017) – Star of the payment processor’s latest advertising campaign, the TMG Robot makes its debut today in Washington, D.C., at the CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC). There, more than 5,000 credit union advocates, executives and staff converge with the credit union industry’s service providers, each hoping to capture the interest of key decision makers within the credit union movement. TMG aims to do exactly that through the multi-channel advertising campaign featuring the illustrated robot and its credit-card control panel. 

“We’re beyond excited to roll out the campaign at CUNA’s GAC,” said TMG’s Vice President of Marketing and Brand Strategy Georgann Smith. “There isn’t a better stage for the TMG Robot, which is a visual personification of our brand message. We believe it conveys the essence of TMG’s bold thinking and innovative technologies.”

A “Say Hello to the Future of Payments” print ad (left) kicks off the campaign, which Smith said reflects TMG’s imagination, passion, technology and ability to transform payment experiences in bold new ways.

To celebrate the launch of the campaign, which was designed by the TMG marketing team in conjunction with its advertising agency Performance Marketing, TMG is hosting a staff contest to give the TMG Robot an official name. 
“I’m incredibly proud of the hard work this team devoted to bringing the value of TMG to life in a simplistic, interesting and bold way,” said Smith, who noted the campaign was an outcome of a multi-year effort to map the customer journey of TMG clients. “The insight and collaboration from multiple executives and leaders outside of marketing was incredibly valuable throughout the creative process.”

Three additional variations of the TMG Robot ad will appear in credit union trade publications beginning in April. Digital ads, too, will display in both mobile and online sites sourced by the industry’s key decision makers.